Thursday, December 20, 2012

2 week Climate

2 week, I will write about Gunma's climate.
First I want to say that   the difference of temperature is extreme by a season. It is very hot in summer and very cold in winter. Especially Gunma's temperature of summer is very high also in Japan. The heat of summer of Gumma may be taken up by a news program. I also got much good sweat and was playing. Why does it get hot so much in the summer of Gumma? I want to explain it.
Why does it get hot so much in the summer of Gumma?
Gumma Prefecture is a prefecture without the sea. And Gumma Prefecture is a basin. So A warm wind flows into Gumma Prefecture. A solar light also arrives in a plain part mostly. Since there is no place where heat escapes, temperature goes up.It is Tatebayashi that especially temperature becomes high. Tatebayashi may take out the No.1 temperature of Japan. Therefore, it may be taken up by news.However, The reason why temperature is so high in Gumma Prefecture is not only the result of temperature,Gumma Prefecture is humid. since  I can more feel heat in Gunma prefecture.Humidity is also related to heat. .
Why is Gumma Prefecture very windy?
Gumma Prefecture is a very windy prefecture. When I was small, it experienced frequently that it is too windy to move forward. It is too windy truly for me to move forward.It is because Gumma-ken is surrounded in the surroundings in the mountain if it is said why whether such a strong wind blows. The strong wind is blowing by the wind which has got down from the mountain. The strong wind is called Oroshi in Gumma Prefecture. One of the winds famous also in it has Akagi Oroshi. Moreover, there is a name, Karakkaze, as another name of a strong wind. It is too windy and damage often appears in agricultural products. since , those who live in Gumma Prefecture are living in Gumma, coping with the wind
Why is it very cold in Gumma Prefecture?
If Gumma Prefecture becomes winter, it will get very cold in it. Much snow also falls and it is very cold. Since it gets cold because the wind wiped from the sea hits a mountain, it gets so cold. The cold wind also showers on snow. In winter, the water of a river or a pond freezes in Gumma Prefecture. I also played using the well frozen river and snow. Since it snows in large numbers, skiing is prosperous. Many skiing slopes are located in Gumma. I also skied often. Skiing is one of the tourist draws important for Gumma Prefecture. Please come to Gumma to ski once by all means.

It may write about the climate of Gumma Prefecture until now, and you may think that the climate of Gumma is very severe. Although the climate of Gumma is severe to be sure, there is also merit which exceeds it. It is because there is pleasure of various seasons. I want  you to live in Gumma Prefecture once, and want you to feel the climate of Gumma very much. Now, you will also go to Gumma once.!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1 week History

1 week, I start to write about Gunma's history. Gunma prefecture was made in meiji 4.Gunma prefecture was not founded from it before. But ancient tombs showed that many people lived the place  which became to Gunma.
It was proved that people lived from the old stone age by the Iwajyuku ruin in gunma prefecture.Iwajyuku prefecture is the most famous ruins in japan. Because it proved that people lived in japan from old stone age. The person who finded Iwajyuku ruin is Tadahiro Aizawa. He is the most famousn in japan too.
 Ruins show that Jomon culture and Yayoi culture were transmitted.
 And The first an ancient Japanese tomb of a circular shape with a rectangular frontage is found in Japan. It was  found in Maebashi city. It was named Tenshinsan ancient tomb. I was see the sights of it.It was large than expected.
 A great deal of havoc happened by the eruption of  Asamayama in Heian era. Many persons died with volcanic ashes and agricultural products became useless with volcanic ashes.Also after  this,much damage happen in Gunma prefecture by the erupation of Asamayama.
Yoshisada Nitta attacks the Kamakura shogunate  in Kamakura era.Nagao kagenaka established Sourinji temple at Shibukawa city in Mromachi era.
Tokugawa Ieyasu established Dainyouin in Edo era.It happened not only to Gumma but to many prefectures by the major volcanic eruption of Asamayama in Edo era.And edo era endMe because Tiseihoukan happened.
And Gumma Prefecture is made for the first time in meiji 4. The school was made and education started. The first school was made in Azuma city.However, seemingly, tuition was a charge. So only the rich person was able to receive education. The silk industry prospers in gunma prefecture.Gumma Prefecture is a prefecture where Japan is also prosperous in leading silk manufacture industry.The Tomioka silk manufacture place is very famous for Japan as a silk mill. The Tomioka silk manufacture place has become that it is likely to register with world heritage. Gumma Prefecture was a prefecture where sericulture and silk manufacture are the most prosperous in Japan. Traffic also progressed in meiji era. The railroad spread through Gumma Prefecture.The time which movement takes by it decreased sharply. But As before, movement of the short distance was on foot. The prefectural assembly was also made for the first time.Parliament was merely seen lightly. Therefore, lawmakers did the protest etc. Gumma Prefecture of Meiji Era led modernization of Japan in the whole country as a prefecture where sericulture and silk manufacture are the most prosperous.
The precious foreign currency which is because the center of export of those days was raw silk, and was earned with raw silk is industry and a field of military affairs, and this promoted modernization of Japan powerfully.
For this reason, every place within the prefecture were full of vigor, culture and education developed, and the prominent man of culture was also born one after another.
 To Meiji Era, once vigor has been lost by decline etc. of the sericulture silk industry which led the whole countryin Tisyou era. But Also in new industry, water service and an electric light began to spread through birth and every place within the prefecture, and means of transportation, such as a bus and a train, also progressed.
Thus, the life of the people of the prefecture advanced the pace to the new era which leads also to the present age certainly.