Thursday, January 10, 2013

week 4 problem

Week 4 I will write about problem which Gunma prefecture has.
Gumma Prefecture has various problems now.The problem is crossed to various fields. I  considerably worried about the problem. And Gumma Prefecture has many easily unsolvable problems.I would like to introduce some of the problem today. Please think together.

a decling number of children
 The number of the children who are present in Gumma Prefecture is decreasing every year. It is a fact that children are decreasing in number.Some schools have lost owing to it. Why did the number of children become fewer? It is because many young men came out of Gumma Prefecture . A young man attends a big city  in order to work. Moreover, a young man yearns  a city and comes out to a city. Therefore, the number of young men becomes fewer and the number of children is also becoming fewer. Those who bear a child have decreased. The number of the children whom a one woman bears as another reason children has become fewer. The one woman was bearing 2 or 3 children or more a long time ago. However, the one woman also bore only the one child more often now. It also caused a decrease in the birthrate.

Aging is also a big problem for Gumma Prefecture.The number of elderly people is increasing in Gumma Prefecture every year.Various problems are caused by it. Why aging become a problem for Gumma Prefecture? It is one cause that medical technology progressed. Therefore, long years elderly people can live now. The illness which was not able to be corrected could also be corrected when it was before. Moreover, since the number of children has become fewer, it is also the cause that elderly people's percentage increased. It is striving in Gumma Prefecture to support the increased elderly people. However, it is hard to say that the support is enough. Sufficient support is more nearly required to every elderly people. It must be cared more for elderly people by administration. It must be cared more for elderly people by administration. It is one of the problems which must be considered well.
There is no place to commit.
Gumma Prefecture has few places to commit. It is the cause and a young man will come out to a city.
The main industries of Gumma Prefecture are industry and agriculture.Especially agriculture is one of the industries important for Gumma Prefecture. However, the present young man does not want to carry out agriculture.But, those who are doing the present agriculture are lacking. Then, Gunma prefecture have to get a young man to get interested about agriculture. Then, this problem is solvable.
For that purpose, agriculture must also change a lot.
There are many problems in Gumma Prefecture. However, there are also many good places. It is important to solve a problem, using the merit enough.I would also like to consider this problem well from now on.


1 comment:

  1. Question1: How did population of children decrease in decade?

    Question2: How will agriculture change?

    Question3: What do you think the most important problem is?

    Comment: I thought these problems are so difficult. But I think it will solve in future.

    Suggestion: I think putting graph is good.
