Wednesday, January 23, 2013

week 5 amusement

week 5 I want to write about Gunma's amusement.

There are a lot of amusements in Gunma. For example Luna park , Gunma's astronomical observatory, Gunma safari park. I will write about some of the famous amusement institution.


1.    Luna park

Luna park is amusement park. Luna Park is managed until it is made in 1956 and continues up to now. Luna Park is the same size as two soccer stadiums. There is a lot of playground equipment in Luna Park. There are rocking horse, merry go round, a mini helicopter, etc in Luna park. An admission fee is no charge. The amount of money which rides on big playground equipment once is 50 yen. The amount of money which rides on small playground equipment once is 10 yen. Thus, the fare which rides on playground equipment is very cheap. Therefore, Luna Park is called the cheapest amusement park in Japan. Moreover, Luna Park does not take a fare from the adult who is looking after the child. There are many precious things  in playground equipment. Electric rocking horse is a product made from 1954. It was recently designated as the tangible cultural properties of the country. It is a very uncanny thing. Please go to Luna Park once. And please enjoy yourself by nostalgic playground equipment.


2Gunma’s astronomical observatory

The Gumma astronomical observatory was made in 1993. It was made in order to pull up the interest over universe of the people of the prefecture. There are a large telescope, a solar telescope, and a small telescope in the Gumma astronomical observatory. The lens of a large telescope is 1.5 meters in diameter. Moreover, a large telescope is in an 11-meter dome. It is one of the big telescopes also in Japan. The lens of a solar telescope is 30 cm.A solar telescope shows solar appearance well. Six small telescopes are prepared. A small telescope can be borrowed and can see a star at night using it. Moreover, there are a solar clock, a stone circle, etc  in the Gumma astronomical observatory. The admission fee is set to the child of 200 yen and the adult of 300 yen. The price of Gumma astronomical observatories is set up at a low price, and comes in easily. Since Gumma Prefecture has few streetlights, its star is legible. Please go to the Gumma astronomical observatory and see a beautiful star.


3.Gunma safari park

There is safari park in Gumma PrefectureVarious animals are in the Gumma safari park.. For example, there are a tiger, an ape, a giraffe, and a camel. An animal can be seen riding in a car in a safari park. We can raise food, taking Buss. Moreover, there are also many places which come into contact with an animal. How about feeling nature in the Gumma safari park?群馬サファリパーク/門


Thus, there are many amusement facilities in Gumma Prefecture. So please come to Gumma once and play. It is surely pleasant. I would also like to go to the amusement facilities of Gumma after a long time.

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